Git Basics and Advanced

Most important commands for keeping versions of your code on github are:

git add --all .
git status
git commit -m "$message"
git pull origin master
git push origin master

Each of the commands above have their importance.

The git add --all . is saying that you want git to check all your current directory for changes and add them to the cache.

Once changes have been determined you want to see those changes in the cache, you use git status to achieve that purpose. This will show you actual changes made to your repository.

If you want to “upload” those changes to your repository on github you have to commit with a message. Then you use git commit -m "Your message with information about changes".

To upload your changes, you first have to pull any changes in the master branch (There might be other branches if multiple users are collaborating in one project at the same time). To pull those changes made in master you use git pull origin master.

Finally, once you’ve retrieved any changes in master you can push (upload) all those changes that you made to the master repository by using git push origin master

If you are using the github application in windows that should be relatively easy because you will have already installed gitbash and they have a very easy GUI. However if you use linux and you are working remotely, you will have to type your username and password every time.

Andres S. Espindola
Assistant Professor

My research interests include high-throughput sequencing applications for diagnostics and microbiome research.
